Business And Success Built On Reputation, Integrity, Focus, and Discipline

1979 2025

Investment Philosophy

We invest in great real estate as opposed to limiting ourselves to a strict investment criteria.

Fuller is both Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and multiple driven. While IRR is an important measure of financial performance, you cannot spend it. Therefore, a short term hold of an asset may produce an outstanding IRR, but the multiple is not nearly as attractive. Fuller considers both performance measures equally as we determine whether or not to liquidate an asset.

Our typical value-add/opportunistic investment hold horizon is 3-5 years, however hold periods can extend up to 7-10 years depending on the risk profile and nature of each deal. We currently invest in a variety of short and long term investments. As Fuller invests side-by-side with our institutional and private investors, we are not retail buyers of property. We analyze worst and best case scenarios, of which the property needs to perform under each scenario. Fuller’s team tirelessly analyzes and studies each deal and ensures it passes strict due diligence screening.

Interested In Investing With Fuller?

The principals of Fuller invest in every deal alongside you.

The principals of Fuller significantly invests alongside our investors in every deal Fuller participates in. We put our money where our mouth is. Fuller has been buying commercial real estate for over 40 years and have acquired nearly 7.6 million square feet of commercial real estate and 1,761 acres of raw land.